Welcome to morethan log!
morethan log
Next.js static blog using Notion as a Content Management System (CMS). Supports both Blog format Post as well as Page format for Resume. Deployed using Vercel.
šĀ Writing posts using notion
- No need of commiting to Github for posting anything to your website.
- Posts made on Notion are automaticaly updated on your site.
šĀ Use as a page as resume
- Useful for generating full page sites using Notion.
- Can be used for Resume, Portfolios etc.
šĀ SEO friendly
- Dynamically generates OG IMAGEs (thumbnails!) for posts. (og-image-korean).
- Dynamically creates sitemap for posts.
š¤Ā Customisable and Supports various plugin through CONFIG
- Your profile information can be updated through Config. (
- Plugins support includes, Google Analytics, Search Console and also Commenting using Github Issues(Utterances).
Getting Started
To use morethan-log, you must follow the steps below.
Deploy on vercel
- Star this repo.
- ForkĀ the repo to your Profile.
- DuplicateĀ this Notion template, and Share to Web.
- Copy the Web Link and keep note of the Notion Page Id from the Link which will be in this format [username.notion.site/
- Clone your forked repo and then customizeĀ
Ā based on your preference.
- Deploy on Vercel, with the following environment variables.
Ā (Required): The Notion page Id got from the Share to Web URL.GOOGLE_MEASUREMENT_ID
Ā : For Google analytics Plugin.GOOGLE_SITE_VERIFICATION
Ā : For Google search console Plugin.
Set your blog configuration
You can set your blog configuration by editing
.Writing Post
When you write a post, you should check the properties below.
Property | type | Required | Description |
title | string | true | Display in the post title area. |
date | date | true | Display in the post date area. |
slug | string | true | Set the post slug. (eg. https://morethan-log.vercel.app/[slug-id]) |
author | author | false | Display in the post author area. |
status | Private Public PublicOnDetail | true | Private is Not showing on your blog.
Public is Showing on your blog.
PublicOnDetail is Showing only your blog detail page. |
tags | string[] | false | Display in the post tags area. |
summary | string | false | Display in the post summary area. |
type | Post Paper | true | |
thumbnail | file | false | Display in the post thumbnail area. |
Check out theĀ Contributing Guide.